Puddle Ducks believe in partnering with organisations who share our ethical position and approach. We have provided the following links to our partners, who we're sure you'll love too. We hope you find them useful (but please note we do not hold any responsibility for the content of the linked sites)

We are delighted to work in partnership with Butlin's to provide swimming activity sessions during their award winning Just for Tots breaks.
Butlin’s have been awarded the Mumsnet Family Friendly Gold Award for being a super family friendly company in 2015, 2014 and 2013. Their Just for Tots breaks have also been awarded the Mumsnet Family Friendly Innovation Award in 2014.
Find out more about the Puddle Ducks lessons at Butlin's "Just for Tots" breaks.

The National Childbirth Trust (NCT) are a charity who’s aim is to support parents through the provision of accurate, impartial information so that they can decide what’s best for their family, and introduce them to a network of local parents to gain practical and emotional support.
Puddle Ducks are proud sponsors of NCT’s The Big Push – a sponsored buggy push with the aim to combat loneliness in new parents. Don't worry, you don't need to bring a pushchair - toddlers, babies in slings, friends and family take part, raising money to help mums and dads who are feeling lonely.

The National Deaf Children's Society is the leading charity dedicated to creating a world without barriers for deaf children and young people. They support families with deaf children from birth to 25.
There are over 45,000 deaf children living in the UK, 90% of deaf children are born to hearing parents with little or no experience of deafness or knowledge of how to communicate with a deaf person. Without the right support, deaf young people are vulnerable to isolation, abuse, bullying, poor self-esteem and low levels of achievement. Puddle Ducks have worked closely with the NDCS to ensure that all of our lessons are deaf friendly.

The Centre for Adoption Support offers a wide range of support and training services for adoption and permanency across the North West. The service was established in 2013 as a partnership between two long established charities and specialist adoption agencies, Adoption Matters and Caritas Care. The two agencies together have over 140 years’ experience in working with Local Authorities across the UK to find families for children in care and provide adoption support services.
Puddle Ducks have worked closely with the Centre to develop a training module for our teachers on the importance of attachment for children who have been in care. The module is now a mandatory part of our training and we are proud that all 300 of our swimming teachers have now completed the module. We continue to work with the Centre to promote our attachment friendly lessons to their adoptive families.
Raring2go! is just like Puddle Ducks; fun, colourful, good at what they do and passionate about the way they do it. Just like Puddle Ducks they are also a tremendous resource for parents.
They are all about helping families have fun. Their magazines list all manner of local clubs, classes, associations and societies, provide details of events and local businesses, contain useful family friendly features, their website is jam packed with quality local discount vouchers and offers and rammed with local and national competitions.