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Monthly Payment FAQs

Monthly Payment FAQs

Do I have to sign up for Monthly Payments? 

All customers are required to pay via Monthly Payments. We don’t offer alternative payment options. If you book online, your monthly payments will be activated as part of this process. If you pay over the phone, you will be advised to activate your monthly payments via your My Puddle Ducks account. 

What are the benefits of Monthly Payments? 

We want to make paying for our lessons hassle-free for our customers! Monthly Payments mean a smaller, manageable amount to pay each month. You don’t have to remember when payments are due and your child’s space in their class won’t be at risk from payments not being made on time. There’s also no need for us to send payment reminders and chasing emails, something we know our customers really don’t like! 

How much will I pay each month? 

Puddle Ducks operates a monthly payment system where customers pay in advance to secure their space in their class. When you join Puddle Ducks, your joining payment will be for enough lessons to take you just past the date of your first monthly payment* (this date varies depending on where you swim). Monthly payments will be 4 x lesson fee. 

*the reason we take you just past that date is to ensure your space is secure, if, for instance, there was any issue with the taking of the monthly payment, it gives us time to rectify it without you dropping out of class and potentially losing your space. 

If you have any credits on your account at the time a payment is due e.g. cancelled lesson credit or remaining Gift Voucher balance, they will be used to reduce the actual amount taken that month. If you have seven or more lessons paid for in any month, no payment will be taken.  

Twice a year, in January and August, we take a balancing payment. 

What is a Balancing Payment? 

As there are weeks during the year when we don't swim, in January and August we replace your regular monthly payment with a Balancing Payment to make sure you are never paying for too many lessons in advance. These payments will never be more than your regular monthly payment of 4 x your lesson fee and may well be less, depending on how many lessons you have paid for in advance. 

If you have paid for 7 lessons or more in advance - no payment is made 

If you have paid for 6 lessons in advance, payment is taken for 1 lesson  

If you have paid for 5 lessons in advance, payment is taken for 2 lessons  

If you have paid for 4 lessons in advance, payment is taken for 3 lessons 

If you have paid for 3 lessons or less in advance, payment is taken for 4 lessons 

You will never pay for more than 4 lessons in a balancing month 

You will receive a detailed monthly payment schedule via email when you first join. We will then send you an updated schedule twice a year in January and August when we take Balancing Payments and also at any time your child moves class. 

You can also view your payment schedule at any time via your My Puddle Ducks account online. 

Can I use a Puddle Ducks Swimming Lessons Gift Voucher to pay for my class? 

Yes of course! If you’re a new customer and want to use one of our ‘Swimming Lessons Gift Vouchers’ to cover or put towards your joining payment, please input your unique voucher code on the basket page. If you’re an existing customer, please redeem the voucher by logging into your My Puddle Ducks online account, clicking on the ‘Redeem Swimming Lessons Gift Voucher’ button for the child the voucher belongs to, and inputting the unique voucher code. Alternatively, you can phone your local Puddle Ducks office at least one week before your next payment is due to be taken and they will process this for you. If the payment is less than the gift voucher value, the excess voucher value will remain on your account and will reduce your next monthly payment amount. 

Can my monthly payments be paid by someone other than me? 

Yes, your monthly payments can be made by a card registered to someone other than the registered child guardian. This additional cardholder is easy to add to the account via your My Puddle Ducks log in. 

  • Once logged into your My PD account, select the Payments tab 

  • Add the additional person’s details using the “Add a new Cardholder for regular payments” button 

  • Once they are set up, their details will be available to select using the Change card details process.  

Are recurring payments the same as Direct Debits? 

No, recurring payments are different from Direct Debits. Recurring payments are taken from a valid debit or credit card and not directly from your bank account. 

How secure are my card details? 

Our payment processing partners, Elavon, store your card details and meet all data protection requirements. 

Can I change the card that the Monthly Payment is taken from? 

Yes, it is your responsibility to update your card details to ensure payments are being taken from a valid card. You can update your card details via your My Puddle Ducks online account using the ‘Change Card Details’ button on the Overview page. As long as this is done the day before the payment due date, the new card details will be saved for future recurring payments.  

What happens if my card expires before the payment due date? 

It is your responsibility to update your card details to ensure payments are being taken from a valid card. You can update your card details via your My Puddle Ducks online account using the ‘Change Card Details’ link. As long as this is done the day before the payment due date, the new card details will be saved for future recurring payments. If you forget to update an expired card before your payment due date, you will be sent an email saying your payment has failed, reminding you to check if your card details are up to date. 

What happens if the Monthly Payment fails for any reason? 

If an automatic payment fails, for example because your card has expired, we will notify you and retry 3 days later (this gives you an opportunity to update your card details). You will be notified by email if the second attempt is also unsuccessful.  A manual payment to your local Puddle Ducks office will then be required to retain your child’s space in the class.  

I want to stop swimming with Puddle Ducks. How do I stop my Monthly Payments? 

You just need to give your local Puddle Ducks office 30 days notice in writing (an email is fine). You’ll need to pay for any of your lessons that are within your notice period. If you’ve got paid-for lessons that run beyond your 30 days notice period you can, of course, attend these. Any applicable refunds will be made after your last agreed lesson to ensure we take into account any lesson cancellation credits that may be issued. 

Who should I contact if I wish to discuss my payments? 

Please contact your local Puddle Ducks office. Contact details can be found on our website. 

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