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Puddle Ducks graduate selected for prestigious artistic swimming club

We are excited to hear that our recent graduate Isla Woods, from Melksham, has been accepted to join the prestigious Calne Alpha Artistic Swimming Club.

Congratulations Isla! Such exciting news!

Puddle Ducks teachers, Sarah and Diana, said goodbye to Isla at her very last Puddle Ducks class in May with mixed feelings of pride and sadness.  Sadness because she has been swimming with Puddle Ducks since 2016 and will be missed, yet pride because she’s become such an incredible swimmer since she started swimming with them at 12 weeks old.

Now, at just eight years old, Isla has attended the swimming club trials and showcased her incredible swimming ability. Mum Emily commented that, “Isla attended the club trials and was accepted because of her quality and confident swimming style.  We’re both really excited about this new chapter!


Isla's ex-teacher Diana was so happy to hear the news saying, “It is such a privilege to teach all our children to swim. However, seeing Isla develop her swimming skills and strokes over eight years truly demonstrates how our unique child-led swimming program can benefit children.

Hearing Isla's news fills me with pride and I wish her all the very best of luck at Calne Alpha Artistic Swimming Club. Isla has worked so hard; I’ve no doubt she’ll be fantastic.”

Here at Puddle Ducks, we absolutely love hearing about our graduates continued swimming journey and it is wonderful to have such positive feedback from a long-standing customer about how they have enjoyed bringing their child to lessons.

“Isla, my husband and I, have all loved going to Puddle Ducks over the years. The swim teachers at Puddle Ducks really get to know your child and because of this, children progress quickly and most importantly confidently. 

When we swim with friends, Isla’s ability and swimming style really stands out. Puddle Ducks has always been a positive experience throughout the eight years we’ve swam with them. Isla has genuinely loved and looked forward to every single class. We’re really excited about this new chapter and will keep in touch with Puddle Ducks to let them know how she’s getting on.”

Emily Wood (Isla’s mum) - July 2024

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