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New baby swim class at Woolley Grange

New swimming class starts soon for babies from newborn to six months of age.

We're delighted to invite parents to join our new baby swimming class at the beautiful, family friendly venue, Woolley Grange in Wiltshire.

The new class, for babies from newborn to six months, will take place on Tuesday mornings at 10am.

Join Diana, our teacher, who will help you and your baby feel relaxed and happy in the water.  Join with a friend, or make friends with the other mums and dads in your group.  I can't think of a better way to spend the day with your little one!

To apply for a place, please complete this short form, and we'll be in touch to confirm your booking:

Which type of swimming lessons are you interested in? *
e.g. 01/01/2020
This will help us locate suitable pools for you to swim at.
Please select the pools you would potentially like to swim at.* *Please note not all lessons run at each pool, for full class details across our region please visit:


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