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Aquanatal Health Questionnaire


Our Aquanatal classes are a fabulous activity for mummies-to-be. Experience the perfect balance of relaxation, laughter and exercise - a wonderful way to unwind and be healthy during pregnancy.


Health Questionnaire

Thank you for booking into our Aquanatal classes. Please fill in this health questionnaire below.

Please answer the questions below. The questionnaire will determine if you need to obtain your Doctors or Midwives written permission before beginning swimming. Please read the statements carefully and answer honestly. Please speak to your teacher if there is anything that concerns you. If you knowingly give incorrect information the Teacher and Puddle Ducks can bear no responsibility for any resultant injury or pain. If you answer select any of the following, then you are required to obtain your Doctors written permission BEFORE attending a session. Due to insurance reasons, waivers of consent are not permitted. Doctors may charge for a ‘fit to exercise’ certificate – this charge cannot be passed onto Puddle Ducks. *
If you have any of the following conditions, please select them. * If you answer YES to any of the questions below, you do not need a medical note however you are required to discuss your condition with your aquanatal teacher to ensure that you understand the implications of certain exercises.
The tickbox below acts as your signature on this document

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