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Playtime in the Pool

Play is a key element to learning to swim!

Having fun is the most important part of being in the water with your child, with a good, structured lesson surrounding that your child won’t notice all of the skills they are developing. 

As their adult don’t shy away from getting wet yourself; showing your little one that you enjoy the water is really important (however you really feel). Babies especially learn from mimicking their adult so dip your face in and come up with lots of smiles!
Everyone loves a ball or duck in the water so encouraging your child to chase one around the pool will build muscles in their arms and improve their coordination ready for those important swimming strokes down the line. Using woggles in the water will also help their balance without changing their natural position in the water; encourage them to hold on and kick their legs!

Play is really important, try holding a ball under the water and letting it pop up to see what happens – for older children can they pretend to be the ball?! 

Mum with child in a swimming pool, child is reaching for a toy duck

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