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A massive shout out to our Stars this month!!

You have all been amazing ......

Our teachers Pam and Lizzi are very proud of their swimming superstars and have written some lovely nominations:

Josh, a Little Dipper at The Key Health Club was nominated by his teacher Pam:

"Josh is really enthusiastic in his swimming lessons and it’s so lovely to see. Lately, he’s been really trying to listen and pay attention to what we are doing in the activities. His jumping has really improved and he has been doing some lovely head down swims aswell. Well done Josh!"

The following Swim Academy stars were nominated by their teacher, Lizzi:

Ava, who is in Level 1 at The Portland Centre:

"Ava started as a very nervous swimmer; not wanting me to let go of her woggle. Each week, we worked on a new skill: blowing "candles" out, me not holding on to her woggles, jumping in and getting her eyes in the water. 

Over half term, Ava had been on holiday with her family and must have been practicing her new skills because this week she absolutely smashed her 5m. She has come on so much and I can not be more proud of how far she has progressed."
Tess, who is in Level 3 at The Key Health Club:

"Tess moved into Swim Academy last year from our Baby and Pre School lessons. She was nervous about the new situation and with no parents in the pool with her. We have worked a long time on getting Tess into the pool and getting her goggles on. Once she was happy and comfortable with me and Rachael, she has grown so much as a swimmer and last week completely her "Puddle Ducks I can Swim 25m" distance award. I am so proud of how much she has achieved in a short amount of time - well done Tess."

 Congratulations everyone, you are all definite superstars in your lessons!!

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