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It's that time again ....

Well done to our Stars this month

Our teachers Pam and Rachael are SUPER proud of their swimming superstars this month - A big shout out to Lara and Emily, you should both be very proud of yourself!!

Lara, a Little Dipper at The Key Health Club was nominated by her teacher, Pam:

"Lara has been trying her absolute best lately in her swimming lessons and all with a big smile on her face! She has been doing some amazing jumps and has also started to put her face fully in the water. Well done Lara, I’m really proud of you!"

Emily, who is in Level 4 Swim Academy at The Key Health Club was nominated by her teacher, Rachael:

"Emily has just moved to Level 4 and is now in a different pool, which is a lot deeper. She has found the move challenging at times but she is trying her best at everything and with LOTS of enthusiasm. I am super proud of her, especially now that she has found the confidence to let me know when she is unsure of anything. Well done Emily!!"

What fantastic nominations, well done to both of you!! 

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