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Let's celebrate our swimming superstars!!!

We have had some amazing nominations ....

Our teachers Pam, Laura and Nikola are VERY, VERY proud of their swimming superstars this month and would like to give a massive shout out to Harry, Beau and Elora, all of whom swim with us at The Key Health Club:

Harry, a Dipper was nominated by his teacher, Pam:

"Harry LOVES the water, and it is fantastic to see how his years of moving through the Puddle Ducks programmes have progressed him to being a confident, super-happy swimmer. Lately, Harry has really tried hard with his back swimming and he can now swim independently on his back. Well done Harry, I’m really proud of you!"

Beau, a Kicker was nominated by his teacher, Nikola:

"Beau is so fun to have in the pool. He is very enthusiastic and always full of energy and smiles. Beau loves jumping in and has mastered resurfacing all by himself. He is achieving fantastic little independent swims, like a little pro and Beau and his mummy are a joy to teach!"

Elora, a Little Dipper was nominated by her teacher, Laura: 

"Wow, Elora, I am so impressed with your determination and your bravery of overcoming your fears in the water over the last month. Elora is now doing some huge standing jumps and even some surface diving to collect a ring. She has been a great help in her lessons at demonstrating her new skills to the other children. I am super proud of you, well done you are a swimming star!"

Well done all of you, what fantastic nominations!!  

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