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Stars of the Month - October

We have continued to see some amazing swimming!!

Each month, we ask our teachers to nominate their Swimming Stars of the Month and for the month of October, we just want to say a massive thank you to everyone for your continued patience, support and understanding as we work with our new "normal" – We have seen some fantastic swimming over the last number of weeks in our lessons so we just wanted to say a HUGE thank you to everyone, YOU ARE ALL SUPERSTARS!! 

In addition, we also wanted to give a HUGE shout out to the following superstars:

Jude, who is in Level 1, Swim Academy at The Portland Centre was nominated by his teacher Rebecca:  

"When Jude first came to us a couple of months before Lockdown he was very nervous and did not want to get his face wet. Over the last few weeks, Jude has been amazing - he is getting his face in the water of his own accord, he is smiling and enjoying his lessons and he’s even had a go at diving. Keep up the good work Jude and you’ll be getting your 5m very soon!"

All of the Level 6, Swim Academy class at The Portland Centre - Max, Isaac, Evie, Joseph, Megan and Matthew were nominated by their teacher Rebecca: 

"The children in this class are all amazing. They have a beautiful style when they are swimming, they will give anything a go and their diving (from the side) and tumble turns are really developing well. Add to this the happy banter and team spirit and it makes for a great class to teach - I’m really proud of all of them and look forward to teaching them every week."

Well done everyone, you are all amazing!! X


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