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teacher of term Autumn 2016

Who is your teacher of the term 2016?

We are delighted to announce that our lovely teacher Louise Gillott has won our Local Teacher of the Term award!!!

The winning nomination was picked by Shirley Towle, the owner of the Family Grapevine in Nottinghamshire who thought it especially lovely when a parent is as thrilled by the growing confidence in the teacher as well as their own children. All of our teachers at Puddle Ducks train for over 300 hours before they can become an accredited Puddle Ducks teacher so you can be confident your little ones are in very safe hands!

Thank you so much to Rebecca (and Theo and Poppy!) who sent the winning nomination in and here it is:-

"My nomination is Louise (DW Fitness Mansfield).
I have love seeing Louise grow in confidence since she has become an instructor of younger babies. She has helped Theo grow in confidence and is now wanting to do it all by himself. I can't wait to see how she helps him improve when he moves up to Kickers. She has been teaching Poppy since she was 3 weeks old and now 10 weeks later Poppy is loving her lessons and very often falls asleep as Louise makes the classes very relaxing and enjoyable".

Huge congratulations to Louise as very well deserved!

Other nominations received included one for Karen and one for Rebecca

"Hi, I would like to nominate Karen who teaches at park inn Nottingham on Fridays. She is warm and friendly and her enthusiasm makes the children want to try hard for her. She remembers everyone's likes, even their favourite colours!" by Jackie.

"Rebecca at Keyworth makes every lesson so enjoyable, we hate to miss a class. My little boy always responds so well to her lessons and smiles and splashes throughout. As soon as we walk up the stairs and he spots Rebecca in the water he beams from ear to ear at her. Her instructions are always clear and she always responds to the everyone's individual development needs. My little boys confidence in the water has grown so much and he starts getting excited as we get out of the car!  A fantastic teacher. Thank you" by Gemma

Huge congratulations to all and thanks to those who nominated as means  such a lot to our teaching team.

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