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Teacher of the Term - Autumn 2018

Well done Rebecca!

We are delighted to announce that our fantastic teacher Rebecca Edwardson has won our local Teacher of the Term award!!!

The winning nomination was picked by Shirley Towle, the owner of the Family Grapevine in Nottinghamshire, a local magazine for parents from pregnancy to teenagers. When choosing the winning nomination, Shirley said that as ever, it is really hard to pick just one as all the teachers nominated should be so proud to receive such glowing nominations.

Before our Puddle Ducks teachers can become accredited, they have to complete at least 300 hours training so you can always be confident that your little ones are in very safe hands!

Thank you so much to Emma (and Edward, her little one) who sent in the winning nomination and here it is:

"I would like to nominate Rebecca who teaches my son Edward in his Kickers class at The Key Health Club in Keyworth. Rebecca is a ray of sunshine every lesson, not only is her passion and enthusiasm infectious, she has a natural gift for connecting with each individual child and bringing the best out in them.

She always thinks of a way to engage each child in every activity, often making lots of individual adaptations to ensure children are comfortable in the activity and able to take part, even if they’re initially apprehensive.

She really deserves to win Teacher of the Term and has made a huge impact on Edward who literally can’t wait to get in the pool with her every week!”

We had lots of other great nominations, all of which are detailed below. They all speak volumes about our teachers and the work that they do with the parents and children who swim with us.  

Well done Rebecca as this is very well deserved and we hope that you all enjoy reading the other nominations that our teachers received:

Emma Richardson:

“We would like to nominate Emma for Teacher of the Term please.

Our daughter Naomi has moved through Little Dippers to Dippers over the past 6 months. It was apparent from lesson one in Little Dippers that Emma was now instructing Naomi rather than us.

Emma achieves this very ably by keeping our daughter’s attention for the full 30 minutes with fun activities and songs. We have seen a big difference in Naomi’s swimming abilities in recent months and her confidence in the water has improved a lot.

Emma is very in-tune with each child’s level of swimming and their development needs, providing helpful pointers along the way! She is always very encouraging of our 3 year old and her swim class mates. Her attention to the little details such as ensuring children are sung Happy Birthday is a personal touch, which helps to bring a friendly community feel to Naomi’s lessons.”

Nominated by Heidi and Naomi

Rachel Clewes:

“We'd like to nominate Rachel in Sheffield as she is amazing. She is wonderfully supportive of my daughter who is fabulous and determined, but very strong willed, stubborn and often won't do as she's asked.  Rachel goes out of her way to encourage her, make lessons fun for her and still minimise disruption to the rest of the class.  Without Rachel's patience and positivity, we would have stopped swimming a long time ago.

Rachel is also perceptive and understanding to the parents also.  She regularly spots when I'm having a difficult day, and stops to ask if all is ok, providing extra help and support outside of her role as a swimming teacher.  

Rachel is a fantastic lady, a credit to Puddle Ducks and well deserving of Teacher of the Term.”

Nominated by Vic and Emmeline

“I would like to nominate Rachel as Teacher of the Term - She is the Teacher of every Term! She has helped our son Edward go from not really wanting to go swimming to achieving his 5m distance award just before he leaves at 5.  

She is enthusiastic and kind, in control and always makes sure everyone has a great time, supporting Mums and Dads as well as the kids 😊

She also teaches our daughter Imogen who is very independently minded and she helps lots with managing that in the water. 

We really love her being our teacher, she takes time to get to know every child and their likes and dislikes and lets everyone taking turn doing demonstrations and going first which is a real skill in such full classes.  Both the kids love her and spend all week saying how they can’t wait to go swimming with Rachel. We love Rachel!”

Nominated by Hannah, Edward and Imogen

Heather Mooney:

“Heather is our Puddle Ducks teacher. She has covered some classes before and my son took to her straight away! To find out she would then be our permanent teacher, we were super pleased. Theon is so relaxed with Heather as she is patient and really gets him.

Heather makes a fuss of seeing her little Puddle Ducks. She understands his limits and always praises him for trying. Theon loves Heather’s encouragement and welcoming smile! Theon would now be lost at swimming without her! Theon is not a fan of sitting on the float but Heather encourages Theon to help her hold and wiggle the float! He loves this as he is still involved and it makes me so happy to see him enjoying it! “

Nominated by Megan and Theon

“I would like to nominate Heather.  She is a new teacher at DW Netherfield but you wouldn't know it. She is friendly and smiley and great with the children and parents alike.  Heather is great – we have fun in the lessons and as a result, Elodie has really improved her skills.

Thanks Heather - we really enjoy Little Dippers!” 

Nominated by Amy and Elodie 

Alex Shelton-Knight:

“Alex is a fantastic teacher who takes the time to get to know each child and seeks to improve their next steps each lesson. She runs fun and efficient lessons and is loved by the children and parents alike. She is attentive and patient and makes every lesson count.”

Nominated by Elisabeth and Beatrice

Rebecca Pridmore:

“Krish has been a Puddle Duck swimmer since he was a baby! Rebecca has had a huge impact on Krish throughout all his swimming lessons and it is the only place where Krish seems to listen and focus most of the time! He has become this little confident boy who seems a natural in the pool and believes in himself and Rebecca!

Without Rebecca being on this swimming journey with us he may not be the little confident swimmer that he is! Her patience, attitude, teaching skills and confidence has definitely rubbed off on Krish hence why he is a natural in the pool!! Thank you so much for being on this journey with us and teaching Krish an important life skill - We love you!”

Nominated by Kooki and Krish  

Jayne Ascott:

“Imogen would like to nominate Jayne as we look forward to seeing her every week. She makes sure every lesson is fun and full of laughs. She is always able to put a positive spin on teaching a tricky age group of Kickers and makes each and every swimmer feel special.”

Nominated by Alex and Imogen

“Jayne by far gets the biggest vote for being the most welcoming, friendly teacher we could have wished for! She deserves a special mention because even though she has taught Eryn since she was 4 months old, Eryn’s recent move to Swim Academy (without Mummy being in the pool) was a huge thing to overcome.

When you have a confident little swimmer, but a socially shy child, the teacher makes all the difference. There was no way that Eryn would have even attempted the move without keeping Jayne. With lots of care and encouragement from Jayne, Eryn received a warm welcome to her ‘big girl class’ and now grins across the pool at me, she’s so proud of herself.

I actually sobbed at the side of the pool watching my independent ‘big girl’ make that step and have the best first Swim Academy lesson. Thank you Jayne - you rock !”

Jayne Ascott and Rebecca Pridmore:

“Macy would like to nominate Jayne and Rebecca Pridmore. They make the best team - team supreme! They have both taught Macy between them since she was 9 weeks old. She has been a challenge at times with her confidence but they have had endless patience and encouragement.

Rebecca, especially is so gentle and kind and has always found ways to encourage Macy. Jayne makes sure that even the smallest improvement is celebrated. After a very long time of no progress Jayne suggested that we move Macy to Swim Academy and it has worked wonders. Within a few weeks, Macy has gone from refusing to blow bubbles to swimming widths with one woggle by herself, all with her mouth and nose in the water. These two lovely ladies work so well together to bring the best out of each swimmer.”

Nominated by Alex and Macy

“Since Sia has moved up to level 1, Swim Academy with the push and confidence from Rebecca, she   has excelled in her confidence! Sia was a clingy 4 year old who didn't want to go in the pool and when we did she wouldn't let go of mummy when in Dippers. Rebecca believed in Sia and knew she was capable and advised that she would be better off in a level 1 class and she was not wrong!

With Mummy coming out the pool and Jayne and Rebecca now being in the pool with her, Sia has changed and she loves going swimming each and every week! Jayne and Rebecca have had positive vibes and belief that Sia can do it! With that attitude from 2 amazing teachers Sia has come so far in the last 3 - 4 weeks than ever before and we have been with Puddle Ducks since she was 15 months old! Thank you both Jayne and Rebecca for trusting, believing and being patient with Sia so much so that she now loves swimming!” 

Nominated by Sia and Kooki

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