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Well done to our Swimming Superstars!!

We have some very proud teachers!!

It's been a bumper month for nominations and we have some very proud teachers:

Zachary, a Dipper at our Leicester Hilton pool was nominated by his teacher Alex: 

"Zachary has recently had a period of refusing to put his eyes in the water but since moving up to Dippers he has at last got his head down and is now swimming like a superstar. Well done Zachary!" 

The following swimming superstars are all with us at The Key Health Club:

Eva, a Little Dipper was nominated by her teacher Alex:

"Eva has now started to wear goggles in her lessons and has discovered the magic powers they give her being able to see underwater. She now swims like a mermaid and also joins in with my singing every week!"

Artie, who is in Level 1 Swim Academy was nominated by his teacher Alex:
"Artie is another head down swimmer, yay! He's not only started putting his face in the water but he also keeps telling me how much fun it is. He now zooms ahead of everyone during our warm ups and is no longer "the last winner!" 

Ted, who is a Little Dipper was nominated by his teacher Pam:
"Ted has really challenged himself this month - I’m so proud of him! From not wanting to put his face in the water at all, he has now progressed to doing some lovely head down swims. Well done, Ted - you can do it!"

Adam, who is in Level 2 Swim Academy was nominated by his teacher Cate:
"Adam is an absolute pleasure to teach, he is always smiling & sings all the words to our closing song louder than his teachers. He tries so hard with every activity & I love our little chats. He is such a good listener too. I look forward to seeing him progress in Level 2". 

Wow! You have all been amazing and should be very proud of yourselves!! x

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