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  • Our Teacher Features in a Children's Book!

    Our teacher, Jade, features in a children's story called "Monsters in the Lockers". The author's sons were taught to swim by Puddle Ducks Oxfordshire and they loved the lessons so much that their Dad decided to include their teacher in his story.

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  • Star Teacher - Spring 2019

    Congratulations to our baby and pre-school teacher, Sarah, on winning our Star Teacher award. Every term we ask our customers to nominate their teacher for this award. This term Twirly Girl Photography was our guest judge.

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  • Teacher of the Term - Autumn 2018

    We are so pleased to announce that our Senior Teacher, Flis Goldsmith, has won Teacher of the Term for our Autumn term. Our winner was chosen by the Pottery Place in Witney for the great way that Flis adapts her lessons.

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  • Teacher of the Term - Spring 2018

    Our customers have been busy sending in their nominations for Teacher of the Term - Spring 2018. Our guest judge, Clare from Flower Yoga, kindly read the entries and chose the winning nomination.

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