We are delighted to announce our amazing teacher Helen as our Autumn 2024 Star Teacher WINNER!!!
The winning nomination came from Kirsty and Eva who swims at Talbot Specialist School in Sheffield on a Monday evening in Swim Academy Level 1.
"My daughter has been attending level 1 swimming lessons for the past year and we've been really lucky to have had Helen as her teacher.
Helen is really animated with the kids and knows just what to say, with funny and encouraging tips to help them with their swimming (e.g. look at my hairy toes or swim like a mermaid). She also teaches the safety advise and Q&A's, in such a way that gets the point across whilst making them giggle (and the parents too!). It's great, my daughter beams and has gained the confidence to respond to Helen too.
I had some concerns when my daughter's confidence dipped when in the deep end. Helen really took on board my concerns and adapted the lessons accordingly, giving her the extra nurturing support that she needed, to the point now where she can swim unaided in the deep end, showing real trust in Helen.
Thank you Helen! We appreciate what you are doing"
We had almost 70 nominations for our Star Teacher Award, and the wonderful Emma Holden from Aquatic Role-play Themes - The ART of Swimming Lessons. had the difficult job of choosing the winning nomination.
"There were so many excellent nominations. Over half of the nominations stated how friendly and welcoming their nominated teacher is and how much their child loves to come swimming each week. This is so amazing to hear and must be wonderful for the teachers to hear! I had 10 considerations when choosing, including patience, inclusiveness, motivation, swimming achievements, but not just for the children but how the teacher enriches the adults' well -being too. The chosen STAR teacher nomination hit 9 out of 10 of my considerations, but what swung it for me was the amazing giggles from the parents and children and the teaching point 'watch my hairy toes!' Congratulations to the winner and thank you for the honour, you must be so proud of your team!"
Thank you so much to everyone who took the time to nominate their teacher, of course to Kirsty and Eva for your nomination, and to Emma for choosing our winner. Congratulations Helen, you are FABULOUS xx