The sounds, smells and extra stimulation of the pool environment is a lot for Floaties to take in at first and there can be tears within the first few weeks. Expect this. It's normal and natural. Consider a quiet and serene class to be a bonus! Everyone will have their turn with an unsettled little one from time to time - but they always settle down in the end.
First swims are usually best done with their main carer (usually mum). Little ones take their comfort from mum and she is familiar and soothing to them. This is not a rule, dad's are welcome to do first swims and many dads have a fabulous experience. We generally find that after 2 or 3 swims with mum Floaties are much more settled and receptive to swimming with dad. Dad often appreciates being able to watch too and build his own confidence from the side!
When your baby gets out of the water they will probably be cold, tired and hungry. Have a generously sized hooded bath towel ready and milk with you.